
Privatliv & Cookies, samt GPDR:

Opt-out udført; dine besøg på hjemmesiden bliver ikke registreret af analyseværktøjet. Bemærk, at hvis du sletter dine cookies, sletter opt-out-cookien, eller hvis du skifter computer eller browser, skal du udføre opt-out-proceduren igen.

Du har mulighed for at vælge at dette website ikke indsamler eller analyserer de handlinger du foretager her. Hvis du gør det, beskytter du dit privatliv, men du forhindrer også ejeren af websitet fra at lære af dine handlinger, og dermed blive i stand til at forbedre brugeroplevelsen for dig og andre brugere.

Tracking tilvalgs-feature kræver, at cookies er aktiveret.

Vi anvender fra og med den 20 januar 2022 Matomo Analytics.

Matomo Analytics-data er 100 % ejet af det website du besøger lige nu, uden at eksterne parter kigger ind. I modsætning til Google Analytics, som bruger dine data til at tjene deres annonceringsplatform, kan Matomo-brugere sikkert bruge analyser uden at bekymre sig om, at data bruges til markedsføring eller andre formål.

Data ejerskab giver os magten til at beskytte privatlivets fred Vi er i førersædet med magten til at bestemme, hvad der skal ske med dine data, og til at beskytte netop dit privatliv.

Top Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash

71 % ville stoppe med at handle med en virksomhed for at give deres følsomme data væk uden tilladelse, ifølge en PricewaterhouseCoopers undersøgelse. For at få loyale kunder, der elsker dit brand, er det vigtigt at sende det rigtige signal om, at du respekterer dine kunder og beskytter deres privatliv.

Ved at vide præcis, hvad der sker med data og tage skridt til at beskytte privatlivets fred, behøver du heller ikke at skræmme folk væk med en cookie og sporingssamtykkebanner.

Privacy & Cookies, and GPDR:

(General Data Protection Regulation) Important!

Owner and Data Controller
Contact Us on this mail

Types of data collected

Among the types of personal data that this website collects, alone or through third parties, are: Cookies, User Data, first name, last name, email address and website if you sign up as a user.

Complete information about each type of personal information collected can be found in the dedicated sections of this Privacy Policy or by specific explanatory texts that appear before the data collection.
Personal data may be freely provided by the user or in the case of usage data collected automatically when you use this website.

Unless otherwise stated, all data requested by this website is mandatory, and failure to provide this data may make it impossible for this website to provide its services. In cases where this website specifically states that some data is not mandatory, users are free not to communicate this data without consequences for the availability or function of the service.
Users who are unsure of what personal data is mandatory are welcome to contact the owner.
Any use of cookies – or other tracking tools – by this website or by owners of third party services used by this website serves to provide the service required by the user, in addition to other purposes described in this document and in the Cookie Policy, if available. .

Users are responsible for third party personal information obtained, published or shared through this website and confirm that they have third party consent to provide data to the owner.
Mode and location of data processing

The owner takes appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, publication, alteration or unauthorized destruction of the data. The data processing is performed using computers and / or IT-enabled tools according to organizational procedures and conditions that are strictly associated with the stated purposes. In addition to the owner, the data may in some cases be available to certain types of responsible persons involved in the operation of this website (administration, sales, marketing, legal, system administration) or external parties (eg party technical service providers, mail carriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communications agencies) designated, if necessary, as data processors by the owner. The updated list of these parties may be required from the owner at any time.

Legal basis for processing

The Owner may process Personal Data relating to Users if any of the following applies:
Users have given their consent for one or more specific purposes. Note: Under certain laws, the owner may be permitted to process personal data until the user objects to such processing (“opt-out”) without having to rely on consent or any of the following legal bases. However, this does not apply when the processing of personal data is subject to European data protection law.
provision of data is necessary for the performance of an agreement with the user and / or for any contractual obligations therefor.

Processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which the owner is subject to processing is related to a task performed in the public interest or in the exercise of the official authority that the owner of the processing is necessary for the legitimate interests which the owner or third party pursues.

In any case, the owner will be happy to help clarify the specific legal basis applicable to the processing, and in particular whether the provision of personal data is a statutory or contractual requirement or a requirement necessary to enter into a contract.


The data is processed at the owner’s address and at other locations where the parties involved are located. Depending on the user’s location, data transfers may involve the transfer of the user’s data to a country other than their own. To find out more about the place of processing such transferred data, users can check the section on processing personal data.

Users also have the right to learn about the legal basis of data transfers to a country outside the EU or to an international organization subject to international law or set up by two or more countries such as the UN and about the security measures taken by the owner to protect their data.

If such a transfer takes place, users can find out more by checking the relevant sections of this document or asking the owner for the information provided in the contact section.

The purpose of the treatment

The information about the user is collected to enable the owner to provide his services as well as for the following purposes: Analytics, Advertising, RSS feed management, SPAM protection, Content description, Displays content from external platforms and Contact the user.

Users may find further detailed information about such purposes of processing and about the specific personal data used for each purpose in the respective sections of this document.
This page describes how cookies on are used in the alternative, all our sub domains, and how personal information is processed. When you visit, you accept these guidelines. A cookie is a digital “brand” that is stored in your browser and which enables and providers of the third party services used on the site (see below) to recognize your computer across different websites and different times.

Cookies are used today on virtually all websites. All websites in the EU that use cookies are obliged to inform about their use of cookies in a document such as this. You can delete the cookies on your computer at any time.

See how to delete cookies. uses cookies to remember your settings. In addition, a number of third-party services are used that also use cookies: Google Privacy

Google Analytics

The service is provided by Google and is used to collect anonymous statistics about users’ visits to this site. Cookies are used to be able to recognize the computer during repeated visits to the site. Data is stored on Google’s servers. Read more about Google’s processing of the collected data. .

As of january 2022! we DO NOT use Google Analytics to track visitors

GPDR: (General Data Protection Regulation) Important!

In order to comply with the EU’s requirements regarding the Personal Data Act, you must also accept that data CAN be collected, such as email, telephone number, address, name and so on. We do not collect data unless you say yes (by checking the box in contact forms and comment fields) so that it is ok that we can save your email and other information in connection with any comments on the page.

This applies when you want to write comments in comment fields, or generally just send emails from various contact forms on all the forms that are or may be installed now and in the future. You must be a lawyer to be able to understand the data protection law the EU has made at all, of course I am not and all owners of a website are not lawyers. However, in order to accommodate any lawsuits from strange people, any owner of a website should set it up in their privacy policy page as we have done on this website.

Retention time

Personal data is processed and stored for as long as required by the purpose for which it was collected.

Personal data collected for the purpose of performing a contract between Owner and user

Moreover on GDPR find it here in your own language

Ejer og Data Controller – Høstvej 7, 6705 Esbjerg, Danmark
Ejer kontakt email: udgives af:
John Grandt Høstvej 7 6705
Esbjerg Ø Danmark
tlf. 50 56 88 81

Everyone rises to their level of incompetence.“The Peter Principle” American teacher and writer (1919 – 1988)

- Laurence J. Peter

» I en organisation forfremmes enhver op til sit inkompetence niveau. «

This website uses cookies.